期刊論文 | Ya-Ming Shiue(2003), "The effects of cognitive learning style and prior computer experience on Taiwanese College students' computer self-efficacy in computer literacy course." Journal of Educational Technology Systems, Vol.31,p393-409, No.4. (其他) |
薛雅明, 徐玉瓊;(2005), "超媒體學習系統中互動性對於系統認知態度、滿意度與學習成效之影響." 南大學報, Vol.39,p175-192, No.1. (其他) |
Yu-Chiung Hsu & Ya-Ming Shiue(2005), "The effects of self-directed learning readiness on achievement comparing face-to-face and two-way distance learning instruction." International Journal of Instruction Media, Vol.32,p1-14, No.2. (其他) |
薛雅明, 徐玉瓊;(2006), "影響案例式網路學習系統學習成效之研究.." 南大學報, 40, 1. (其他,) |
Ya-Ming Shiue(2007), "Investigating the sources of teachers’ instructional technology use through the decomposed theory of planned behavior." Journal of Educational Computing Research, 1, 36. (SSCI,) |
Ya-Ming Shiue & Yu-Chiung Hsu(2017), "Understanding factors that affecting continuance usage intention of game-based learning in the context of collaborative learning." EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 10, 13. (SSCI) |
Yu-Chiung Hsu & *Ya-Ming Shiue(2018), "Exploring the Influence of Using Collaborative Tools on the Community of Inquiry in an Interdisciplinary Project-Based Learning Context." EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14, 3. (SSCI) |
Ya-Ming Shiue & *Yu-Chiung Hsu(2017), "Digital game’s impacts on students’ learning effectiveness of correct medication usage." International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, 1, 6. (EI) |
Ya-Ming Shiue, *Yu-Chiung Hsu, Meng-Huei Sheng, Cheng-Hsuan Lan(2019), "Impact of an Augmented Reality System on Students’ Learning Performance for a Health Education Course." International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, 3, 8. (EI) |
Ya-Ming Shiue,*Yu-Chiung Hsu, Meng-Huei Sheng, Cheng-Hsuan Lan(2019), "Evaluation of a mobile learning system to support correct medication use for health promotion." International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, 3, 8. (EI) |
Sheng-Kai Yang, Ya-Ming Shiue, Zhi-Yuan Su, I-Hsien Liu & Chuan-Gang Liu(2020), "An Authentication Information Exchange Scheme in WSN for IoT Applications." IEEE Access, 8, 0. (SCI) |
研討會論文 | |
劉川綱、薛雅明(2014), "基於情境式鼓勵之英文學習遊戲設計與問卷設計概念." TANET2014 臺灣網際網路研討會, 高雄, 台灣. |
林景嘉、林振冬、王崇安、薛雅明(2015), "建立行動裝置管理平台於跨院區行動醫療系統之應用." 2015第十屆國際健康資訊管理研討會, Tainan, Taiwan. |
Chuan-Gang Liu, Ya-Ming Shiue, Zhi-Yuan Su(2015), "An Efficient Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme for a Burst of Accesses Scenario in WSN." NCWIA2015第五屆網路智能與應用研討會, Taipei, Taiwan. |
蔡政達 鍾隆宇 劉川綱 薛雅明 徐宏修(2015), "以物聯網技術實踐家庭空間智慧化." 2015全國計算機會議, 屏東, 台灣. |
薛雅明、劉川綱、黃永銘(2016), "銀髮族互動體感休閒系統之開發." 第十一屆國際健康資訊管理研討會, 台南, 台灣. |
yu-chiung Hsu(2016), "The effects of students'learning style in the elementary science course on the use of Augmented Reality technology for learning." IEEE 2016 International Conference on Applied System Innovation, Okinawa, 日本. |
薛雅明、梁育誠、盛夢徽(2016), "從社會臨場感的觀點探討學習者對國小歷史課程的遊戲式學習之研究." TANET2016台灣網際網路研討會, 花蓮市, 台灣. |
薛雅明、劉川綱、林伊珊、游以臻(2016), "T地震防災知識之桌上遊戲設計-以永康區公所產學案為例." TANET2016台灣網際網路研討會, 花蓮市, 台灣. |
Ya-Ming Shiue, Yu-Chiung Hsu, Yu-Chen Liang(2016), "Investigating elementary students' epistemological beliefs, game preference by applying game-based learning to a history course." IEEE International Conference on Advanced Materials for Science and Engineering, 西安, 中國. |
Yu-Chiung Hsu, Ya-Ming Shiue, Meng-Huei Sheng(2016), "Continuous Intention formation in E-tutoring system: examining the roles of self-determined motivators, social and technological influences." IEEE International Conference on Advanced Materials for Science and Engineering, 西安, 中國. |
Yu-Chen Liang, Ya-Ming Shiue, Yong-Ming Huang, Chuan-Gang Liu(2016), "Development of a Digital Game-Based Learning System in Music Learning." IEEE International Conference on Advanced Materials for Science and Engineering, 西安, 中國. |
Shiue, Y. M., Hsu, Y. C., & Liang, Y. C.(2017), "Modeling the continuance usage intention of game-based learning in the context of collaborative Learning." 2017 International Conference on Applied System Innovation, 札幌, 日本. |
Hsu, Y. C. & Shiue, Y. M.(2017), "Exploring the community of inquiry in the interdisciplinary project-based learning through collaborative technology." IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, 札幌, 日本. |
Yu-Chen Liang, Yong-Ming Huang, Ya-Ming Shiue, Meng-Huei Sheng(2017), " Game-based idioms learning system implementation research." International Conference on Applied System Innovation, 札幌, 日本. |
Ya-Ming Shiue, Yu-Chiung Hsu, Yu-Chen Liang and Meng-Huei Sheng(2018), "Evaluation of a Mobile Learning System to Support Correct Medication Use for Health Promotion." 2018 International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics, 筑波, 日本. |
Ya-Ming Shiue, Yu-Chiung Hsu, Meng-Huei Sheng, Cheng-Hsuan Lan(2018), "Impact of an augmented reality system on students’ learning performance for a health education course." 2018 International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics, 筑波, 日本. |
Cheng-Hsuan Lan, Meng-Huei Sheng, Yu-Chiung Hsu, Ya-Ming Shiue(2019), "Motivational factors for knowledge sharing using problem-based learning in a healthcare information course." 2019 IEEE Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability, 沖繩, 日本. |
Cheng-Hsuan Lan, Meng-Huei Sheng, Yu-Chiung Hsu, Ya-Ming Shiue(2019), "Influence of online and face-to-face collaboration and learning style on cognitive load and engagement in a health introductory course." International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics 2019, 廈門, 中國. |
Sheng-Kai Yang, Ya-Ming Shiue, Zhi-Yuan Su, Chuan-Gang Liu(2019), "A Novel Authentication Scheme Against Node Captured Attack in WSN for Healthcare Scene." 2019 IEEE Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability, 沖繩, 日本. |
Kuo-Mou Chung, Zhi-Yuan Su, Ya-Ming Shiue, Chuan-Gang Liu, Wesley,Huang, Yu-Chih Hsiao(2020), "To Develop an Interactive Healthcare Platform for the Community Care Center." 2021 Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability, 台南, 台灣. |
Chuan-Gang Liu, Ya-Ming Shiue, Meng-Yao Wu(2021), "Constructing a secure Pharmaceutical Care System for the Elderly with a mutual authentication protection." 2021 5th International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics, 京都, 日本. |
Yu-Chiung Hsu,Ya-Ming Shiue,Chuan-Gang Liu(2021), "Evaluation of the effects of a virtual reality game for anti-drug awareness and prevention in Taiwan." 2021 5th International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics, 京都, 日本. |
Yu-Chiung Hsu, Ya-Ming Shiue, Chuan-Gang Liu(2022), "Evaluating the effectiveness of research electronic data capture system on home pharmaceutical care in Taiwan." International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics, 大阪, 日本. |
Ya-Ming Shiue, Chuan-Gang Liu, Yu-Cheng Liang, Bo-Wen Zheng, Kun-Ting Chen, Zi-Yuan Hong(2022), "Evaluating the effectiveness of the food and agriculture education through a virtual reality game in Taiwan." Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability, 台南市, 台灣. |
Kuan-Wei Chen; Yu-Chiung Hsu; Ya-Ming Shiue(2023), "Examination of students’ intention to continue using problem-based learning in a healthcare information course in terms of self-efficacy, social influence, and motivation." THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL ANNUAL MEETING ON STEM EDUCATION, Keelung, Taiwan. |
研究計畫 | 營照Alis(e)n移居地 |
計畫主持人 | 互動式超媒體學習環境中學習者控制及認知態度對學習成效之影響 |
在對數常態(Lognormai)分配下於一致移除的設限資料上預估信賴區間 |
探討學習動機在網路學習課程中對於學習成效的影響 |
92年度協助國民中小學推動資訊教育實施計劃 |
93年度縮減城鄉數位落差-大專青年資訊志工團隊計劃 |
對對數常態(lognormal)分配資料推估未知觀測值之信賴區間 |
94年度縮減城鄉數位落差-大專青年資訊志工團隊計畫 |
94偏鄉學校數位落差輔導與評估改善計畫 |
APP多媒體遊戲設計實務就業學程計畫 |
102年度第1梯次TQC專業電腦技能檢定 |
103年度TQC專業電腦檢定 |
遊戲式學習系統的設計與評估 |
FunBook擴增實境互動式電子書計畫 |
教育部第二期技職教育再造技優計畫─互動科技技優人才培育計畫 |
銀髮族互動體感休閒系統之開發 |
運用行動科技推廣用藥安全知識之持續使用意願 |
銀髮族跌到偵測系統 |
職場藥物濫用防制暨運用新媒體推動成效研究計畫 |
3D遊戲與動畫實務精進師生實務職能方案 |
111年度藥物濫用防制教育據點 |
110年度校內重點研究-智慧型調劑錯誤提醒知識系統之研究 |
無 |
專業證照 | (CCEA)Chinese Computer Education Association[中華民國電腦教育發展協會] "(MOCC)Word" (2013/02/05) |
(CCEA)Chinese Computer Education Association[中華民國電腦教育發展協會] "(MOCC)Excel" (2103/02/05) |
(CSF)Computer Skills Foundation[中華民國電腦技能基金會] "EEC-EEAP 企業電子化助理規劃師" (2012/09/08) |
(CSF)Computer Skills Foundation[中華民國電腦技能基金會] "EEC-EEP 企業電子化規劃師 - 網路行銷" (2013/01/04) |
(CSF)Computer Skills Foundation[中華民國電腦技能基金會] "企業電子化人才能力鑑定-客戶關係管理" (2013/01/04) |
(CCEA)Chinese Computer Education Association[中華民國電腦教育發展協會] "(MOCC)Excel" (2013/02/05) |
Sun Microsystems[昇陽電腦股份有限公司](2010.8.1:併至Oracle。) "Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 5/SE 6 Programmer[更名前:(SCJP)Sun Certified Java Programmer]" (2005/02/19) |
(CSF)Computer Skills Foundation[中華民國電腦技能基金會] "(ITE)資訊專業人員鑑定 - (數位內容)遊戲企劃" (2010/02/04) |
(CSF)Computer Skills Foundation[中華民國電腦技能基金會] "(ITE)資訊專業人員鑑定 -遊戲美術" (2010/02/04) |
(CSF)Computer Skills Foundation[中華民國電腦技能基金會] "TQC+ 網頁設計" (2013/05/26) |
Autodesk[歐特克有限公司] "Autodesk 3ds Max 2011 Certified Professional Surface and Look Development" (2013/06/30) |
(CSF)Computer Skills Foundation[中華民國電腦技能基金會] "TQC+ 影像處理" (2013/08/20) |
(CSF)Computer Skills Foundation[中華民國電腦技能基金會] "TQC+ 電腦繪圖概論與數位色彩配色" (2013/08/20) |
(PMI)Project Management Institute[美國專案管理學會] "(PMP)Project Management Professional[國際專案管理師]" (2013/09/16) |
(CSF)Computer Skills Foundation[中華民國電腦技能基金會] "TQC+ 電腦繪圖設計" (2013/10/12) |
(CSF)Computer Skills Foundation[中華民國電腦技能基金會] "TQC+ 平面設計專業人員認證" (2013/11/14) |
(CSF)Computer Skills Foundation[中華民國電腦技能基金會] "TQC+ 網頁設計專業人員" (2013/11/14) |
(CSF)Computer Skills Foundation[中華民國電腦技能基金會] "EEC_企業電子化規劃師_雲端服務規劃_CLS" (2013/10/18) |
CIW "CIW E-Commerce Associate" (2014/02/24) |
(GLAD) Global Learning and Assessment Development[全球學習與測評發展中心] "Professional Vocabulary Quotient Credential(PVQC)" (2014/01/10) |
CIW "CIW Animation Professional" (2014/5/22) |
CIW "CIW Taiwan Web Designer" (2014/05/22) |
CIW "CIW Web Professional" (2014/05/04) |
CIW "CIW Design Professional" (2014/05/22) |
CIW "CIW Animation Professional" (2014/05/22) |
MAGIX AG "Music Maker" (2014/05/15) |
CyberLink INC. "(CCP)CyberLink Certified Professional PowerDirector" (2014/09/27) |
(CSF)Computer Skills Foundation[中華民國電腦技能基金會] "TQC+ Layout Design 編排設計" (2014/08/19) |
榮譽 | 最佳論文 |
指導學生參加第12屆全國技專校院電腦動畫競賽表現傑出 |
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