期刊論文 | (2007), "Particle size distribution and PAH concentrations of incense." ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 145, 2. (SCI) |
(2007), "Burning characteristics and emission products." Journal of Hazardous Materials, 140, 1-2. (SCI) |
(2006), "Correlation between Calcium Carbonate Content and Emission Characteristics of Incense." Air & Waste Manage. Assoc, 1726-1732, 56. (SCI) |
(2008), "Effects on aerosol size distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from the heavy-duty diesel generator fueled with feedstock palm-biodiesel blends." Atmospheric Environment, 42, 6679-6688. (SCI) |
(2009), "AIRBORNE POLYBROMINATED DIPHENYL ETHERS IN A COMPUTER CLASSROOM OF COLLEGE IN TAIWAN." Iranian Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering, 6, 2. (SCI) |
(2009), "Specific Indoor Environmental Quality Parameters in College Computer Classrooms." International Journal of Environmental Research, 3, 4. (SCI) |
(2010), "Anhydrosugar and sugar alcohol organic markers associated with carboxylic acids in particulate matter from incense burning." Atmospheric Environment, 44, 30. (SCI) |
Chi-Ru Yang, Tzu-Hsing Ko, Yuan-Chung Lin, Suen-Zone Lee, Yih-Feng Chang, Hsin-Ta Hsueh(2013), "Oyster shell reduces PAHs and particulate matter from incense burning." Environmental Chemistry Letters, 11, 1. (SCI) |
Chi-Ru Yang*, Y. S. Peng, Y. F. Chang, S. Z. Lee(2011), "Effect of addition of Asiatic clam (Corbicula fluminea) shell in incense material on mitigating air pollutants." Journal of the Physical Sciences, 6, 7. (SCI) |
Chi-Ru Yang*, Yen-Shun Peng, Yih-Feng Chang, Ying-I Tsai(2011), "Reducing emissions of air pollutants from incense burning with the addition of nanoscale calcium carbonate." Scientific Research and Essays, 6, 9. (SCI) |
Chi-Ru Yang*, Ta-Chang Lin, Yen-Shun Peng, Sun-Zone Lee, Yih-Feng Chang(2012), "Reducing Air Pollutant Emissions from Burning Incense with the Addition of." Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 12, 5. (SCI) |
研討會論文 | (2007), "Effcet of Metallic Salts Particulate and Polycyclic Aromatic hydrocarbons Emissions from Burning incence." The 5th Asian Aerosol Conference, 高雄, 台灣. |
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研究計畫 | 應用超音波之聲輻射力收集空氣中懸浮微粒技術研究 |
大專環境領域相關工程教育現況暨未來展望之評析 |
電弧爐集塵灰處理廠多介質風險評估專案工作計畫 |
96年「教育部補助永續校園雨水回收再利用」設置及執行效益暨水質調查計畫 |
研擬新世代全國空氣品質監測系統發展綱要計畫 |
104年度原住民族地區溫泉計畫推動委託專業技術服務 |
105年度原住民族地區溫泉計畫推動委託專業技術服務 |
106年度原住民族地區溫泉計畫推動委託專業技術服務 |
計畫主持人 | 高高屏地區二行程機車汰換計畫空汙減量效益評析 |
大氣細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)污染特性調查與管制策略文獻資料評析 |
添加漁產貝殼類廢棄物進行低毒性拜香之研發 |
低空氣毒性拜香之研發及改善成效分析 |
以添加奈米金屬鹽類及抗氧化酵素進行低毒性拜香之研發 |
燃燒拜香排放空氣中金屬之粒徑分佈及風險危害評估研究 |
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以生物毒性測試及健康風險評估不同製程對於拜香燃煙毒性之改善成效 |
107年度低污染香支試產製作 |
專業證照 | 環保署 "空氣污染防制專責人員" (2005/08/10) |
Microsoft "(MOS)Microsoft Office Specialist for Office 2003" (2009/12/29) |
環境保護署 "環境教育人員" (2013/03/18) |