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期刊論文Pin-Jui Chen 1 En-Shyh Lin 2 Hsin-Hui Su 3 Cheng-Yang Huang 1,4,*(2023), "Cytotoxic, Antibacterial, and Antioxidant Activities of the Leaf Extract of Sinningia bullata." Plants, 12, 4. (SCIE)
En-Shyh Lin 1 Yen-Hua Huang 2 Jo-Chi Chung 2 Hsin-Hui Su 3 Cheng-Yang Huang 2,4,*(2023), "The Inhibitory Effects and Cytotoxic Activities of the Stem Extract of Nepenthes miranda against Single-Stranded DNA-Binding Protein and Oral Carcinoma Cells." Plants, 12, 11. (SCIE)
Hsin-Hui Su, Yen-Hua Huang, Yi Lien, Po-Chun Yang, Cheng-Yang Huang(2023), "Crystal Structure of DNA Replication Protein SsbA Complexed with the Anticancer Drug 5-Fluorouracil." International journal of molecular sciences, 24, 0. (SCIE)
WEN-CHENG SU, CHI-FENG HUNG, YI-CHIEH WANG, HUBERT PENG, WEN-HUNG HUANG, YI-LUN LO, YUN-HWA LO, YI-CHENG CHEN, HSIN-HUI SU, YUNG-LIANG CHEN(2023), "Thiamet G as a Potential Treatment for Polycystic Kidney Disease." In Vivo, 0, 37. (SCI)
研討會論文蘇歆惠/林恩仕/謝米溱/吳泰慶/陳秋蘭(2022), "台灣五葉松抗氧化能力分析." 第五屆臺灣藥學聯合學術研討會, 台北, 台灣.
林恩仕/謝米溱/蘇歆惠(2023), "Effect of Supercritical Extraction Conditions of Radish Seed Oil on Yield and Antioxidant Activity." 生物醫學聯合學術年會第32屆, 台北, 台灣.
謝米溱/林恩仕/蘇歆惠(2023), "A Comprehensive Review Traditional Medicine Herbs of Pharmacology Through Main Path Analysis: The Case of Raphani Semen." 生物醫學聯合學術年會第32屆, 台北, 台灣.
吳泰慶,蘇歆惠(2023), "台灣地區連鎖藥局經營策略與關鍵成功因素之 探討." 2023年第17屆藥理學院師生研究成果發表會, 台南, 台灣.
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